Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sisters Day

I love my sisters! This year we decided to get together at my house. Unfortunately, I had to work the first week they were here. My six week maternity leave had ended and so I gave my students their final exam and straightened up my room. Thank goodness my sister Brenda was there to help me. I was able to organize my chemical closet so when I get back to school I know what chemicals we have and what I need to order.

We spent a lot of time in my back yard. With 9 kids under the age of 6 it makes going anywhere nearly impossible. We were able to go to the beach for a nice swim on Friday the 11th. Unfortunately, we had to hurry back so I could go to the Debate End of the year party. The Hartzell's were kind enough to host us again this year and it was nice to get together and reward the students. I found out on the beach trip that Porter is not too fond of the water, so it is a good thing he will be taking swim lessons with Daddy this summer.

Saturday was the annual stake tin man race, bike, and swim. This year was a tough year. Our home teacher and dear friend Herman Ahsue died after completing the swim, so the race was canacelled. The funeral was on my birthday Friday June 18th. He was a good man and we will miss him.

We also ventured out to a little amusement park near anaheim called adventure city. The rides were just right for our little crew so they were able to ride all day long. On Monday we decided to go to the Pirates Adventure dinner show. It was a little pricey but it was fun. Then tuesday we went to the dollar theater. Wednesday Porter wasn't feeling well so we stayed home while the others went to the Museum for their discovery day. Thursday we attempted to go to the Discovery Science Center but hard as we tried it just wasn't in the cards. We left to go to the science center two times but Angela couldn 't find her purse, my kids were sick, and we got seperated from each other so we stayed home and went to Johnny's incredible pizza instead. Friday was my birthday. It started with the volleyball girls giving me a surprise party and ended with dinner and a movie (Toy Story 3) with Rob. It was a fantastic birthday.

The 5:30 in the morning volleyball practices are going well. It is easier than I thought to get up and function at practice. I am actually enjoying getting up early. We will be making final cuts this Friday. I know the girls do not understand how difficult it is to make cuts. For me it is the hardest part of coaching.

Ok I am going to sign off for now. Until next time. Love Ya!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well I wanted to have a place where I can write down my thoughts. I usually keep a journal but it hasn't really worked out for me. Today is my first day back from work and I am getting adjusted. Luckily I will only have three half days of work and then I have the summer off. However I will still be working with the volleyball team. They are working so hard! My assistant coaches are wonderful. Lupe played at North and she is helping with the varsity team, Justine and I met through Tatiana and she will be the JV coach, and Jeanne played at North and will be our freshman coach. They are all very talented and I am very much looking forward to working with them.

I found out yesterday that I will actually have a job next year. Not that I was really worried but it is still nice to hear.